Table of Contents
Management of Islamic Education in the Family to Grow Children's Personality
DOI : 10.53889/jaiem.v1i1.166
| Abstract View: 338, PDF Download: 267
Mudzakir Mudzakir, Media Sucahya, Adang Sutarman
Supervisor Optimization in Improving the Quality of Education
DOI : 10.53889/jaiem.v1i1.194
| Abstract View: 276, PDF Download: 187
Rini Setyaningsih, Nadilla Windra, Yuriyan Dinata, Irawati Irawati
Bullying-Free Education: A Study of Governance in Madrasah Tsanawiyah after the Regulation Number 82 of 2015
DOI : 10.53889/jaiem.v1i1.185
| Abstract View: 307, PDF Download: 322
Ahmad Halid
Examining Tradition and the Current State of Education Innovation in Contemporary Indonesia: Challenges of a Middle Eastern University Alumni Kyai in an Islamic Boarding School
DOI : 10.53889/jaiem.v1i1.234
| Abstract View: 214, PDF Download: 196
Hiroko Kinoshita
Teacher professional development of public elementary school: A phenomenological approach
DOI : 10.53889/jaiem.v1i1.243
| Abstract View: 308, PDF Download: 244
Khoridatul Bahiyah, Juhji Juhji