Journal of Asian Islamic Educational Management (JAIEM) is a peer-reviewed journal reviewed journal that covers research publications in Islamic education management in Asian region or related fields including curriculum management, classroom management, learning process management, management of Islamic education facilities and infrastructure, Islamic education management, assessment management, and educator management and education personnel and integration between two or more disciplines in Islamic education management. In addition, this journal also covers the development of Islamic education management such as Islamic education leadership, management of Islamic educational institutions, and others. To provide an opportunity for researchers to write their perspectives on Islamic education management or related matters, since 2023, review articles are also welcome to be submitted to the Journal of Asian Islamic Educational Management. Journal of Asian Islamic Educational Management (JAIEM) is published by Gemilang Maju Publikasi Ilmiah (GMPI). Journal of Asian Islamic Educational Management (JAIEM) has become a Crossref member since year 2023 with prefix 10.53889. Therefore, all articles published by Journal of Asian Islamic Educational Management (JAIEM) will have unique DOI numbers since Vol. 1, No. 1, 2023. Since Vol. 1, No. 1, 2023 Journal of Asian Islamic Educational Management (JAIEM) uses Anti-Plagiarism Software "Turnitin" to check the authenticity article.
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Vol 1, No 1 (2023)
Table of Contents
Management of Islamic Education in the Family to Grow Children's Personality
DOI : 10.53889/jaiem.v1i1.166
| Abstract View: 338, PDF Download: 267
Mudzakir Mudzakir, Media Sucahya, Adang Sutarman
Supervisor Optimization in Improving the Quality of Education
DOI : 10.53889/jaiem.v1i1.194
| Abstract View: 276, PDF Download: 187
Rini Setyaningsih, Nadilla Windra, Yuriyan Dinata, Irawati Irawati
Bullying-Free Education: A Study of Governance in Madrasah Tsanawiyah after the Regulation Number 82 of 2015
DOI : 10.53889/jaiem.v1i1.185
| Abstract View: 307, PDF Download: 322
Ahmad Halid
Examining Tradition and the Current State of Education Innovation in Contemporary Indonesia: Challenges of a Middle Eastern University Alumni Kyai in an Islamic Boarding School
DOI : 10.53889/jaiem.v1i1.234
| Abstract View: 214, PDF Download: 196
Hiroko Kinoshita
Teacher professional development of public elementary school: A phenomenological approach
DOI : 10.53889/jaiem.v1i1.243
| Abstract View: 308, PDF Download: 244
Khoridatul Bahiyah, Juhji Juhji