Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Gemilang

Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Gemilang publishes research and review articles in the field of education especially in the Indonesia context such as Model and Modelling, Integrated STEM Education, STEAM Education, Scientific Argumentation, Socio-Scientific Issue Based Teaching and Learning, Model Based Integrated Inquiry in STEM, Model Based Teaching and Learning, Curriculum and Instruction, Curriculum Ideology, Curriculum Development, Learning Progession, Learning Assessment, Computational Thinking, Bioinformatics Learning, Machine Learning, ICT Based Teaching and Learning, 21st Century Skills, Scientific Literacy, Teacher Ability, Professional Development, Teaching and Learning Based on Local Wisdom, Contextual Based Teaching and Learning, Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Teaching and Learning Based on Indigenous Knowledge, Teacher Education, Educational Policy, Character Education, and Systematic Review and Meta-analysis in Education. Eventhough the Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Gemilang mainly focused on education issues in the Indonesia context or related issues. However, the review and research articles dealing with general educational issues outside the context of education in Indonesia are welcome. Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Gemilang is published every February and August in each year in Bahasa Indonesia or English. However, since Vol.2, No.2, August 2022 Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Gemilang has become an international journal that publishes articles in English. Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Gemilang is published by Gemilang Maju Publikasi Ilmiah (GMPI)Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Gemilang has become a Crossref member since year 2021 with prefix 10.53889. Therefore, all articles published by Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Gemilang will have unique DOI numbers since Vol. 1, No. 1, August 2021. Since Vol. 1, No. 1, August 2021 Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Gemilang uses Anti-Plagiarism Software "Turnitin" to check the authenticity article. Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Gemilang has e-ISSN 2807-5285. To give researchers the opportunity to write their perspectives on STEM Education or related ones, since the year 2023, the review articles are also welcome to be submitted to the Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Gemilang.

Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Gemilang has been accredited at the 5th grade by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of Republic of Indonesia since the first issue in Vol.1, No.1, 2021 according to the decision No. 72/E/KPT/2024

Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Gemilang has been indexed and archived by



The ICV 2021 from the Index Copernicus International of the Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Gemilang is 60.21 available on https://journals.indexcopernicus.com/search/details?id=123562.

Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Gemilang is under evaluation by

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Since August 2022 Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Gemilang has become an International Journal

Since August 2022 Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Gemilang  has become an International Journal with the editorial boards and reviewers from many countries, indexed by Index Copernicus International, published in English, and the countries of authors and co-authors since vol.2, no.2, August 2022 are at least consists of two countries, according to the regulation of Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia number 20 year 2017.
The authors and co-author of Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Gemilang in each issue since Vol.2, No.2, 2022:
1. Vol.2, No.2, 2022 from Indonesia and Thailand
2. Vol.3, No.1, 2023 from Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia
3. Vol.3, No.2, 2023 from Indonesia and South Africa 
Posted: 2023-01-05

Selected Papers in the 2nd Virtual ASEAN Multidisciplinary Research Conference (VAMCON 2021) will be processed to be published in Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Gemilang

Selected Papers in the 2nd Virtual ASEAN Multidisciplinary Research Conference (VAMCON 2021) will be processed to be published in Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Gemilang.
Posted: 2021-08-29


Call for Paper Vol.2, No.2, August 2022

Dear Researchers

We would like to invite you to submit your manuscripts to our new journal. Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Gemilang publishes research articles in the field of education especially in the Indonesia context.

Best Regards
Indah Juwita Sari
Editor in Chief of Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Gemilang
Website: https://journal.gmpionline.com/index.php/jpig/index
Posted: 2021-08-14


Call for Paper Vol.2, No.1, February 2022

Dear Researchers

We would like to invite you to submit your manuscripts to our new journal. Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Gemilang publishes research articles in the field of education especially in the Indonesia context.

Best Regards
Indah Juwita Sari
Editor in Chief of Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Gemilang
Website: https://journal.gmpionline.com/index.php/jpig/index
Posted: 2021-08-14
More Announcements...

Vol 5, No 1 (2025)

Table of Contents

Research Articles

Sistriadini Alamsyah Sidik, Dedi Mulia, Yuni Tanjung Utami