A Study on Students’ Character Building Based on Positive Value Habituation in a Senior High School in Serang City, Indonesia

Siti Gia Syauqiyah Fitri, Dian Ayu Cahyani, Haifah Dwi Oktaviani, Hoirun Anisah, Intan Az Zahra, Lisa Amelia, Mamai Humairoh, Magdalena Magdalena, Mohammad Faiz Fathurahman, Nurul Khotimah, Teti Herawati, Yusri Septiana, Dian Puji Lestari


Character is interpreted as a good individual quality in knowing goodness, wanting to do good, and doing good deeds. Character values are related to moral values, developed by strengthening the power of will. Habituation is an internal intuitive power that Aristotle believes achieves virtues. Learning by doing is an essential mode of habituation. Performing virtuous deeds on a habitual basis means we inculcate virtues. This study aimed to examines the implementation of positive value habituation activities and its impact on students' character in one of the senior high schools in Serang City, Indonesia. A descriptive qualitative method is applied, and a questionnaire is used to collect data in this study. The result showed that from students' perspective, the habituation encourages them to perform good deeds and leads them to become more disciplined. However, better planning, organizing, and supervision of the program are needed to effectively implement these suitable habituation activities to build students' virtuous character.   


Habituation; Character Building; Virtue; Good Moral

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.53889/ijbetsd.v3i2.336

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